
Bekoz You Should Be Informed


Getting the Best out of Facebook Part 1: Build Brand Awareness

Getting the Best out of Facebook                               Part 1: Build Brand Awareness

Company leaders must do what is necessary to keep their business at the forefront of customers minds. Especially, in an environment where visuals are becoming more elaborate, and speed reading is a daily occurrence; if folks are even reading at all.  Business leaders must learn how to take advantage of available resources, particularly if the resources are free to use or can be used for a small fee.

Last month, the Bekoz Marketing team took a day to venture out into Northeast Washington D.C. in an effort to gain information from the largest free social media network, Facebook. The key words here are the largest, free, and network. As marketers, the first thought that comes to mind when exploring popular networks such as Facebook is – “How can this be used to reach your target audience?” Well, you’re in luck! We’re going to save you some time because we did the work of information-gathering for you. We’ve pulled together a three-part blog series to share all the tips and tricks we learned. During the Boost with Facebook conference, Facebook representatives shared descriptive details about getting the best use out of the platform, and now we are going to share it with you.   

Part 1: Build Brand Awareness using Facebook

First thing is first. It is one thing to use social media networks such as Facebook and Instagram for personal purposes, but it is something different when managing your businesses brand online. For this reason, set up a free business page. Both Facebook and Instagram will give you the ability to do this. Did you know that Facebook owns Instagram? Since the two are so closely related, you will see Instagram tips spread throughout this discussion, but we will be sure to cover the platform in more detail at another time. We understand using social media can be a bit overwhelming, some even view it as a chore, but it’s ok. You have the option to start with the platform that best fits your business, and remember, we are here to help! By setting up a business page, you are given the administrative ability to add, remove, or change page editors providing you with the opportunity to receive and look over the support you have put in place.  Business pages also offer the ability to:

  • Share your business address 
  • Provide a contact button or encourage a call to action such as purchasing tickets or setting an appointment.
  • Provide industry information such as:
    • Business details in the about section 
  •  Imagery (In the profile, cover, timeline areas)
  • Customer experiences by enabling ratings 
  • Provide jobs opportunities using, which will appear in the job market place and your business profile for FREE.
  • Be sure to follow these best practices:
    • List the job title
    • Job description 
    • Distribute the post by sharing to groups.

Come back and visit us next week for Part 2: Engage your Audience on Facebook with Content.